If moms work together in helping their kids, they can achieve great things.

Coalition of Mothers Against Censorship or, as it is often referred to, CoMAC, is once again on the warpath. Most of those who were affected by the turmoil in Summer 2020 were mothers. Children were protesting against various reasons, and their mothers sitting at home anticipating the day that their children will are brought to the hospital for medical treatment. The pandemic made it difficult to go to the hospital even for the smallest of issues. If you were to be diagnosed with Covid and contracted it, it could be a serious disease. Mothers used to take care of their children at home, using a variety of sanitizers to cover the wounds.

After people had settled down for a few weeks or months, CoMAC was back, trying to convince the authorities that this isn't the way. You've seen the videos of protest. Did you notice anything? Imagine the way police would deal with peaceful protestors. What if they sprayed them in water and run through the crowd. You can view those videos on Youtube Twitter, Twitter, as well as Youtube. You can also download videos from Youtube. This is not the correct method.link to mp3 If anyone is claiming the video, the video will be removed from the site.

Did you know that police could play popular music while being recorded to trigger copyright mechanisms if the video is uploaded to Youtube as well as other sites which respect digital rights. This is another way of hiding evidence and traditional practices of not listening to authentic sources of information on what's happening in the local and international communities. YouTube and Twitter videos uploaded to social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter could be removed due to false copyright claims. CoMAC may have to contact uploaders to ensure that evidence is not censored. Moms can unite and offer emotional support to each other, and then offer the same support to their family members across the nation. We need to stand up and stop deliberately removing evidence of brutality from government employees towards other protesters.

Mothers always end in the top of the heap because they cherish their children and take home the smoke that comes from the frontlines. It is not how our children think they can remain in peace. We must be aware of what's happening around us. Only thru individual responsibility and greater government oversight can we thrive as a nation and conquer every problem with grace. Go there to the CoMAC branch, fill up your seats The commentary tour is coming your way. Come on out!
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