The principle of the organic solvent closed cycle spray dryer system


The organic solvent closed-cycle spray dryer system works on the premise that it is possible to dry the product with the help of a closed-circulation system that does not require the utilization of hazardous or environmentally hazardous solvents. The closed-cycle spray dryer system consists of a series of heated drums that contain the product that needs to be dried, as well as a chamber for the evaporation of the solvent and a chamber for the cooling of the air. The heated drums generate a significant amount of heat, which causes the solvent to evaporate from the product. In order to prevent the evaporated solvent from condensing on the drums, the air cooling chamber brings the temperature of the solvent to a lower level.

Principle of Operation

The organic solvent closed-cycle spray dryer system operates on the premise that organic solvents are removed from the air when they undergo a chemical reaction with water vapor that results in the formation of carbon dioxide and water. This is the fundamental idea behind the system. This reaction takes place when an oxidizer, like air, and a catalyst, like nickel, are both present. After this, the gas mixture that was produced is forced through a condenser, where it recombines with the organic solvent that was used initially to produce additional amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide.



Advantages and Disadvantages of Using an OCSDSD System

An organic solvent closed cycle spray dryer system, also known as an OCSDSD, is a type of continuous process plant that makes use of an organic solvent in the capacity of drying agent. When compared to other drying methods, OCSDSDs offer a number of benefits, including a reduction in emissions and an improvement in product quality. If you want to use OCSDSDs for a project, you should keep in mind that there are a few issues with using them that you should consider.

The fact that an OCSDSD generates fewer emissions than other drying methods is the primary benefit of using one of these devices. It is possible to cut emission levels by as much as ninety percent depending on the kind of organic solvent that is used and the layout of the plant. In addition, there is a minimal impact on the environment caused by the process as a whole due to the fact that the solvent is recycled throughout the process.

OCSDSDs, on the other hand, have a number of drawbacks that one must take into consideration before selecting this technology for use in a project. To begin, organic solvents are both volatile and flammable, which means that a plant that has been correctly designed must be outfitted with sufficient fire suppression systems. Second, when it comes to extracting moisture from materials, organic solvents are not nearly as efficient as non-organic solvents are. This may result in a decline in product quality as well as an increase in the amount of time required for processing.




As drying agents, organic solvents are what are utilized within the dryer system. The closed-cycle spray dryer has the ability to achieve high drying rates despite its low energy inputs and absence of harmful byproducts. In addition to this, it is very effective at collecting dust, which means that very little to no dust is released into the atmosphere.