How to Manage Sex Anxiety

Sexual anxiety can appear whether you have been in a relationship for a while or are just starting.


Concerns about performance, sexual health, body image, past trauma, and interpersonal relationships frequently follow sexphobia. Numerous people experience sexual anxiety.


Feeling a little anxious before and during sex is common. You might be nervous about meeting someone new or simply wanting to ensure the other person is having a good time.



However, this stage fright can become a problem if anxiety keeps you from enjoying yourself or engaging in sexual activity. It can result in sex addiction, early ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction.


What is Sex Anxiety? 


Sexual anxiety, also known as sexual performance anxiety, can affect men and women of all ages, regardless of sexual experience.


A fear-based response to sex and intimacy is sexual anxiety. 

It frequently prevents you from engaging in sexual activity and drains your mental, physical, and emotional energy. 

There are numerous causes of sexual anxiety, which can impair you before, during, and following sexual activity.


Concerns about sexual performance may exist for men. 

Women's anxiety is frequently linked to issues with arousal and worries about pleasing their partners.


Does anxiety increase a person's libido? 


Anxiety about sexual performance can occasionally result from past traumatic encounters with sexual assault. Do not be hesitant to consult a professional in this situation. 

The National Rape, Abuse and Incest Network hotline should be your first point of contact if you are based in India.


However, as sex educator Amy Jo Goddard explains, this response reflects how we were raised to view specific aspects of sex and the body, as well as how our sexuality and social expectations significantly impact human relationships.


Men who experience sexual performance anxiety may have trouble getting and keeping an erection or may appear to ejaculate too soon.


Most of us struggle with low libido because of unpleasant emotions. 

On the other hand, other people are driven by their concerns, fears, and insecurities.


Here are her four easy steps to relax and be comfortable in bed with your partner.


1. Concentrate on your breathing-


Focusing on your breath allows you to reconnect with the fundamental aspects of how your body works. Plus, it's a great way to eliminate those unwanted thoughts. Notice your breathing as you inhale and exhale. This is a proven way to connect with your body.


2. Consider sex toys- 


Using sex toys can help reduce stress and ease menstrual cramps, says reproductive health expert Dr Yemi Adeyemi. Sex toys can also help improve mood and reduce sexual tension and anxiety. 


You can opt to buy masturbators for men online and vibrators from India's popular sex toys store


3. Body image-


Women who struggle with body image, weight issues, thoughts about their bodies during sex, and sexual attraction have lower levels of sexual satisfaction. The best way to improve your physical connection is to participate in physical activities such as fitness, dancing, walking, and sports. You build a relationship and connection with your body. Find out what drives you and what makes you feel good.


4. Discuss sex with your partner-


Due to the embarrassment involved, many people shy away from discussing sex. Talking about it, though, can help your relationship regain some intimacy.


Think about your relationship's silence strategy. Do you view it negatively, as an awkward silence," or do you see it as a sign that you're at ease with saying what comes naturally?


Plan your conversations to get in touch with them if necessary. Pick a time that is appropriate if you want to discuss anything. Check for what to say and memorize it.


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