Best rated growth equity firms

The best-rated growth equity firms are The Catalyst Group. For teams devoted to taking their business to the next level, we are a dependable, results-oriented partner. We provide businesses with a variety of services, including the capital, talent, and knowledge, to help them expand and fulfill their full potential. Your major goal and focus should be to identify a dependable, patient investor who can assist you in growing your firm while yet allowing you to preserve control. Our experienced and dependable Growing-Equity team makes minority equity investments in mid-market growth companies to help them become industry leaders. We keep our working style to meet your capital requirements and to operate as your single equity partner in a transaction. Growth equity investments are sometimes viewed as a bridge between venture capital and private equity techniques. We have experienced remarkable growth since the financial crisis as a result of raising growth equity funds, and we expect this trend to continue. Our investment strategy is to create wealth over time by using the principals' experience and our extensive investor network. We have industry experience, but we favor companies that operate with strong cash flow, provide business services.

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