My Favourite Fruit the Mango

Last week I took part in an essay prompt with students from class 1 and we discussed my favourite fruit and why I love it. A lot of the ladies had nothing but good things to say about their favourite fruit, and they seemed to think that our debate was pointless and that we were simply having a conversation. It did make me feel good to see how keen the students were to participate. They were eager to debate the issue and express their views on food and life in general. The debate was interesting, as mangoes do make an interesting topic and there are a lot of interesting facts and figures behind the fruit.

What I set out to do in writing my favourite fruit mango essay was to analyse why mangoes are my favourite fruit. In my class the ladies were split in their opinion on this topic and one group of ladies thought that mangoes were very good for you because they provide lots of different vitamins. One lady said that they provide six vitamin A's, along with folic acid and potassium. This lady was actually suggesting that if you eat a whole mango that you will be getting all these nutrients without having to eat another vegetable!

Another lady said that bananas are her favourite fruit, but that they contain very few vitamins compared to mangoes. Then there were the others who mentioned various vitamins and minerals. But my point of view is that it is not the fruit itself that provides the nutrients, but rather the overall health of the individual eating the fruit. And that is something that we discussed at length during our discussion of my favourite fruit banana. Let's just briefly look at what we have been discussing so far.

As a banana is a fleshy fruit, we can see that its main task is to provide the nutrients that we need through out the day. In the case of a mango we are talking about a small, dark coloured fruit that has a long stem and small green leaves. And that is why this fruit is my favourite fruit! As I mentioned in my first paragraph, it provides lots of different vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A. The other vitamins and minerals are provided from this fruit as well as some B vitamins. And it has got quite a lot of fibre, which makes this fruit excellent for maintaining good health, including keeping the colon healthy.

Now that we have covered what is the best fruit to have when it comes to your breakfast, you might think that I would be recommending bananas. In fact, I am not. You see, the banana essay is quite interesting but it is also written in a very interesting way. What I want to do is take you through my favourite topics that have been discussed during my many years in teaching. This way you can see what your favourite topic is and how you can use it to write your own essay. Here goes!

My favourite banana essay topic is written by Jade Beutler who teaches at Royal Park University in Adelaide, Australia. She has won the undergraduate degree in Psychology, an Honours degree in Social Psychology and is now a full time faculty member at U Adelaide. Her favourite banana is the blueberry bush.

Jade Beutler's class 1 bananas and mangoes themed class 1 presentation is excellent. The students all seemed to identify with the fact that bananas and mangoes were simple and delicious. That is what she teaches, so if I ate a particular vegetable for example a class of bananas or mangoes and I ate it everyday, I would be a very healthy person, I guess. And as forCheck Out , well I don't know about you but I have never seen a pineapple in real life. So that probably is not something you would want to include in your own class 1 presentation.

However Jade Beutler has a point about this. Humans are visual animals, we see things more effectively if we can actually touch them, touch, feel and taste them. This means that including a visual image in a text is much more powerful than including a mere description. The banana fruit and mango visualisations also remind us of another example from the class, which is that a banana is a delicious fruit because it is so easy to eat and so simple to cook with. You don't need a complicated recipe to make a good banana salad, a bowl of soup, or even toasts for breakfast. Adding a visual image to the presentation just makes it more vivid and therefore more effective.