Rocket League Items finish the match to unlock the next stage

The first stage of this five-stage challenge asks players to visit Lonely Lodge and Retail Row in a single match. These two locations are the easiest, as they’re literally right next to each other. For this stage, landing at either location is fine, as long as you make sure to head over to the other location. Personally, it’s best to land at Lonely Lodge and head to Retail Row, considering how much more popular Retail Row is to Lonely Lodge. After visiting both locations, Rocket League Items finish the match to unlock the next stage.

Stage two will ask players to head to Junk Junction and Pleasant Park in a single match. This stage is probably a no-brainer, but you’re going to want to land at Junk Junction and immediately head over to Pleasant Park after. The storm rarely ends up in the north-western part of the map, so landing Pleasant Park first and then going towards the edge of the map would be unwise. After visiting both locations, finish the match to unlock the next stage.

For stage three, you’ll be tasked with visiting both Flush Factory and Fatal Fields in the same match. Flush Factory is the better landing option here for a few reasons. First, Flush Factory is the least popular named landing location in the entire game, so the odds of meeting opposition here are slim-to-none. Fatal Fields is a bit more popular of a landing location, so by the time you rotate over to this location, a large majority of battles will have already played out, and enemies will have scrambled to other locations. Obviously, you don’t need to step into the middle of the location, simply walk near the location and you’ll be counted. Finish the match for the next stage.

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