Tips to take care of closure sew-in weave

A Closure sew-in helps to make your sew-in extensions look natural. Below are the tips and tricks for sewing extensions care:


1. Gentle Is Important - We understand that your closure may reflect your scalp, but it is not always true. Hard brushing, scratching, and detangling can damage your closure sew in and result in bald spots. Hair loss is very common due to the method closures are wefted. Each hair is tied separately and secured to the base on the closure with adhesive. Always handle your closure with utmost care.


2. Brush Hair Properly - Brushing your hair properly can help you when trying to maintain your hair. Always make sure that you brush from bottom to top when detangling your hair, and hold down the base of the closure while brushing to prevent excessive tugging and shedding.



3. Use The Correct Hair Products - The products you select to use on your hair play a significant factor in keeping your extensions. Avoid hair care products like shampoo and conditioner with excessive amounts of alcohol or parables. Also, choose small amounts of oily and greasy products to weigh the hair down.


4. Tie Your Hair Downside Before Going to Bed - Your closure will definitely thank you for this! Your hair will get tangled when sleeping due to the friction of tossing and constantly turning throughout the night. Make sure to brush detangle any snags before tying your hair. Lastly, do not go to bed with wet hair, be sure that your hair is dry to avoid hair becoming tangled and matted with the must-wig smell.

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