What is Personal Narrative? 5 Tips on Using Personal Narrative in Your Writing

A personal narrative is a story that is told from the author's point of view and recounts a personal experience. The purpose of a personal narrative is to share an experience that has had a significant impact on the author, in order to connect with the reader on a personal level.

In order to effectively tell a personal narrative, the author must use descriptive language to bring the story to life for the reader. The author should also use literary devices, such as flashbacks and foreshadowing, to add tension and interest to the story. Ultimately, a well-written personal narrative can be both powerful and moving, and leave a lasting impression on the reader. 


What's the meaning of personal narrative?

A personal narrative is a story that is told from the author's perspective and recounts a personal experience. Although personal narratives can be fictionalized, they are usually based on real events. Personal narratives often reflect the author's emotions and offer insights into their thoughts and feelings.

Unlike other forms of writing, personal narratives are not written to inform or persuade the reader. Instead, they are written for the purpose of self-expression. As such, personal narratives can be highly personal and intimate.

However, they can also be universal in their appeal, providing readers with a relatable glimpse into another person's life. To deep dive into this topic you can check out this video from the ted talk:



What are the 3 characteristics of a personal narrative?

A personal narrative essay is a story that is told from the author's point of view and recounts a personal experience. In order to write a personal narrative, the author must first choose a significant event from his or her life to writing about.

Once the event has been chosen, the author should then focus on describing the event in vivid detail, using sensory language to engage the reader's five senses. The author should also aim to include dialogue and action in the story in order to further engage the reader.

Finally, the author should reflect on the significance of the event and how it has impacted his or her life. By following these steps, the author can create a personal narrative that is both engaging and meaningful. 


What makes a good personal narrative?

A good personal narrative should have a clear purpose or goal, and it should be written in a way that is engaging and easy to follow. The story should be based on real events, and it should paint a picture that allows readers to experience the events along with the protagonist.

In addition, a good personal narrative should include strong emotions, vivid descriptions, and interesting details. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your personal narrative will be enjoyable and memorable for readers. 


5 tips on using personal narrative in your writing

When using personal narrative in your writing, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to make the most of this technique.


  • First, a personal narrative can be an effective way to add dimension and depth to your characters. By sharing details about their backstory or personal life, you can give readers a greater sense of who they are and what motivates them.

  • Second, a personal narrative can be used to heighten the emotional impact of your story. When readers feel a connection to the characters and their experiences, they are more likely to be invested in the outcome of the story.

  • Third, a personal narrative can help you create a more immersive and detailed world for your readers. By including sensory details and vivid descriptions, you can transport readers into the heart of your story.

  • Fourth, a personal narrative can be a powerful tool for exploring complex themes. By delving into the lives of your characters, you can shed light on universal truths about the human experience.

Finally, a personal narrative can be an effective way to build suspense and tension in your story. By withholding key information about characters or events, you can keep readers guessing about what will happen next.

When used effectively, a personal narrative can be a powerful tool for writers. Keep these tips in mind the next time you sit down to write, and see how personal narrative can transform your stories.

  • Finally don't get bogged down in the details; focus on sharing the emotional truth of your experience.



In conclusion, a personal narrative can be a powerful tool for writers. It allows you to share your own experiences and connect with readers on a deeper level.

By using the five tips we’ve shared in this post, you can craft engaging and memorable personal narratives that will keep readers hooked until the end. What are some of your favorite techniques for crafting personal narratives?

Leave us a comment below and let us know!

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