Wedding Band Engraving Ideas That Are Super Cute!

If you’re looking for a creative and fun way to make your wedding ring sets feel sentimental and unique, and showcase your style and personality as well as the love and commitment you have towards your partner then engraving your ring is a great idea.


Ring engraving is a process that was used centuries ago and couples used to engrave everything from dates, to initials, phrases, lyrics, and even symbols that were special to them. However, if you’ve never done this before then here are some tips to help you along the way.


Tips to engrave your wedding band

Engraving diamond engagement rings usually happen at the end of the manufacturing process and this gives you time to think about what you want and inform your jeweler so that they can keep space for your engraving.


While rings can be a huge investment, engravings are usually quite affordable and you will only be charged depending on the character count. So, if you are picking something simple and classic like dates or initials the cost can be fairly low.


This process only takes a couple of minutes to an hour and professional jewelers are now equipped with laser beams and precise equipment that makes engraving your band pretty straightforward.


Before engraving your rings or diamond necklaces, always think about what you want, be it traditional, modern, trendy, vintage-inspired, and more. You and your partner can even decide on something meaningful together to make the process extra special.


The Bottom Line

Like with all custom jewelry you need to keep your piece clean and maintained. Hence, you should take it to a professional jewelry store from time to time.


Certain metals like titanium, cobalt, or tungsten are tough and so engravings might not work on them. You will need to talk to your jewelry store before purchasing the band so that you can find the right one for you.