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GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK4 mg powder and solvent for solution for One cartridge contains4 mg per25 ml of somatropin* after reconstitution corresponding to a concentration of6 mg/ * produced in Escherichia coli cells by recombinant DNA For a full list of excipients, see section


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The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is the leaflet included in the pack with a It is written for patients and gives information about taking or using a It is possible that the leaflet in your medicine pack may differ from this version because it may have been updated since your medicine was

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This medicine will be given to you at This medicine is used by injecting it into the Please ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for the correct places on your body where this medicine can be Carefully follow the instructions for preparing this medicine before Read and make sure you understand

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Genotropin Miniquick is administered by a one-time use syringe device that holds a 2-chambered Genotropin Mini quick can be attained in single doses varying from2 milligrams to0 milligrams in increments of2 In yet another study, Adult GHD sufferers were administered two separate subcutaneous doses of03

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