Massive 0.9.0 Release of the Open-source and free Multiplayer Voxel RPG "Veloren"

Veloren is an open-source multiplayer RPG developed by volunteers has released a major new release. Veloren is a Rust-based multiplayer voxel RPG. It is inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft.

Veloren is in a place that offers more to explore and experience as the game evolves into a full-on experience. This release is very important in that it is helping to set the foundation for future content. It's definitely worth checking out.

Here are some highlights from 0.9.0:

- Added chat commands for inviting and kicking, leaving and promoting in groups . Map indicators for members of groups - Flying birds fly around the world Skill trees - First support for keyboards with alternate styles snow particles Basic NPC interaction Support for modular weapons.Saturation buff (healing form food) now queues. Coral reefs and seagrass and kelp forests - Item stacking and splitting - Initial support for keyboards that are alternate style Snow particles - Basic NPC interaction - Support for modular weapons. - Merchants will trade with players.

There are many more. I'm just picking out some of the things that stand out.Tech News And More There are many small improvements, a lot of bug fixes and performance improvements and world generation updates. This is one of the most exciting open-source games. It is predicted to be very popular by the end of 2021.

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