What is Kobe Bryant Height and Why He is Called A ‘Legend’?

If you are a big fan and follower of basketball and know what Mamba Mentality is, then I'm sure you know who ‘Kobe Bryant’ is and we trust there must be only a few or none who doesn’t know about this ‘legend’. With all the amazing facts about Kobe Bryant, one of his significant traits and most searched thing about him is kobe bryant height. If you wonder what that is and before you go out to search about his height, kobe bryant height is 1.98 m ie. 6 feet 6 inches tall. That’s too high, right?

Now do you wish to have height like Kobe Bryant or wish of getting a physique like him?

You can do this by following the workout principles and routine of Kobe Bryant.

As you will scroll down this article, you will find out what’s the secret of kobe bryant physique and how you can match kobe bryant height.

Can you become tall by doing workout?

Now if you think you can ever attain height like that of Kobe Bryant and if your height will increase by following the workout then it's definitely a NO! Height is what is our genetics and it's a very natural process.

But we don’t look tall just by being a tall person, rather the posture of our body plays a major role in our looks. We can look tall if we have a good body posture. Like regular cardio and stretching, it improves the posture of our body and it definitely gives out the idea and look of being taller as compared to the actual height.

Kobe Bryant Workout Principles and Routine

Kobe Bryant had a unique way to workout which was known as the 666 workout. This means working 6 days in a week, 6 hours a day and 6 months in a year. He used to work on his upper body on monday and saturday, lower body on tuesday and friday, olympic lifts on wednesday and of course cardio and stretching on all days.

While the upper body helps you to have a more straight and rigid body posture, makes muscles strong, perfects the waistline and gives you that proper posture so some of the exercises that Kobe Bryant used to do were bicep curls, bench press, pushups and more.

Working on the lower body is equally important as it strengthens our core muscles and our legs, which  helps to stand straight and rigid.

Most importantly, cardio and stretching are the main things for good body posture. Regularly stretching the body will result in a taller look posture of your body for sure.

If you are really amazed by kobe bryant height and want to achieve the physique like him, just work on your body like Kobe Bryant did and you will definitely achieve the goal of looking taller.

Kobe Bryant: The Legend

The Legend status of Kobe Bryant is definitely ‘unquestioned and undoubtful’. He is the greatest basketball player of all time. Not just a player, but a great motivator and a person too. His discipline and work ethics were commendable. He started ‘Mamba Mentality’ which simply means and conveyed to be the best version of yourself.

Once his friends and teammates said in an interview that “When we are in the club to party, that beast is in the gym, and that is what makes him different from everyone else.”. This is too inspiring to hear that a person who has fame, money and everything never focused on anything else but his game, work ethics and the only thing he ever wanted was to become the best player of all time and WINNING was his only motive.

He will forever be remembered and stay alive in the thoughts of millions of people for what a great and disciplined person he was. It might sound like a over statement but-


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