How to Keep Outdoor Plants Alive in Winter?

Winter gardening is challenging because plants need protection from the cold wind, harsh sunlight, and drying out. However, preventing root damage caused by fluctuating temperatures is the biggest challenge. The combination of cold air, lower temperatures, and shorter days can hamper plant growth. You must implement preventative measures to help your plants endure frosts and freezing temperatures during winter. Consulting an expert for tree services in Sacramento can help you find the best solution.

During the winter, plants slow down and become more vulnerable to ground freezing and frost damage. Plants suffer chemical changes during the winter. So they require extra care to last longer. 

Here Are the Plant Care Tips to Protect Outdoor Plants in Winter 

1. Use Cloches

Cloches are glass covers in the form of bells that support plant growth even at low temperatures for seed germination. It would help if you kept the soil level before placing the cloche down because these are wind-sensitive. Remember that cloches function best when protected from the wind, so try to put them close to a wall or a hedge.

2. Avoid Extreme Exposure

Rapid temperature changes harm roots and cause the plant to fall out of its pot. You can prevent this by putting pots on the soil rather than the pavement. The earth's heat is the primary source of heat for the roots of plants growing in the ground. Containers on pavement may experience significant pavement heat, but night temperatures expose pavement-mounted containers to freezing and thawing.

3. Watering Standards

Follow the general recommendations for watering and apply water if the soil is dry an inch or two below the surface. Leaving your plants submerged in water can result in root rot, fungus, mold, and several other problems.

It is best to water plants with warm water in the winter because it promotes faster plant growth and keeps the plants warm.

4. Pruning

The ideal time for pruning is before winter starts setting in. After the full bloom, you can trim flowering trees, shrubs, and vines. You can also prune summer-flowering plants in late fall. You may also want to remove a tree from your garden. Consulting an expert for tree removal in Sacramento can help you implement the best measures. Pruning exercises help plants grow and allow you to shape and influence that growth the way you choose.

5. Apply Mulch

Mulch keeps the soil temperature steady and safeguards plants from fluctuating temperatures. It is necessary to spread proper mulch in the winter. Winter mulch helps preserve a constant soil temperature since it is a barrier between the soil and the air. Mulch also maintains soil moisture. As a result, roots can obtain enough water from it. Mulching is a traditional method to take care of plants in winter.


A key to keeping plants alive through winter is providing the necessary temperature and humidity; keeping the leaves clean influences a better photosynthesis process. You can also consult for landscape design in Sacramento to provide enhanced space for plant growth. In the colder months, plants naturally slow down and may require your help to prevent harm. You can help your plants and garden survive the winter by taking easy precautions before, during, and after freezing weather.

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