Can I make save money and build wealth with Blockchain?

In our current centralized economy, corporations and governments benefit from our expenditure and all we get in return are a few worthless points. 

Throughout your lifetime, you have spent money on numerous things most of which don’t serve you anymore. Look around your living room you will see a lot of items with both sentimental and monetary value. Unfortunately, there are other things such as services which we have nothing to show for. 

Your purchases over the years have impacted the global economy in various ways. Each one of us has so much value that we should monetize. Unfortunately, because we don't know our value we keep paying people to serve us while we are the ones serving them and they should be paying us for our time and interest in what they have to offer. 


Building wealth on Blockchain 

The great news is that with Blockchain you can record each purchase and transaction you make, build your portfolio with it and then not only save money but also build wealth with it. 

The process is quite simple, 

  1. Decentralize your identity. Thanks to Blockchain, we are in charge of our own identity. This protects you from identity theft and misuse. 
  2. Build a portfolio of who you are (proof of value). Your financial transactions are a large part of who you are, having a permanent record of each purchase you make will help communicate your worth to relevant markets. 

You will understand how you are contributing to the global economy and thus be able to take your rightful place financially. 

  1. Save money with Blockchain. Having a record of your purchases you can quantify the value of your asset against huge markets and wall street. As such, when it is time to either sell these items or make a business deal you can haggle for deals that are curated to suit you. Not only are you able to save money but you get the full value for the money that you spent in the first place. 
  2. Build wealth based on your portfolio. As already mentioned, we pay lots of money to corporations and get nothing in return. However, with a portfolio in hand, we will be able to demand your money and time's worth from producers. Being paid to check out what is being offered, we will be able to create wealth. Why pay to buy things in bulk when you have already proven your ability to buy things in bulk?


Each one of us, despite our financial bracket, has great financial value. With Blockchain, you have an opportunity to quantify this value and make it tangible. Here is a chance to finally get your money's worth. Join us to learn more and to be a part of a Big Change our world is looking for