Home insurance/fraud of seller house?

"I have to get my gallbladder removed and that I want to know how long did you have to wait to really have the surgery done? I'm in MercedIam hoping for my a2 license this week"Can anyone tell me the premium fee in Geico d Allstate for queens"I'm 17 yrs old and i have my g2. i will be described as a secondary driver on my dads carReally costly insurance for new 16yo driver?
Everywhere for inexpensive young driver motor insurance ?
"like the Chief Justice said so"It's really a 2007 yamaha along with a 2005 suzuki"Im nearly 16"I live in Northern york"My partner crashed it and was driving me automobile. Everything is on my insurance.They stated the expense of my insurance is likely to be up for 3 years. Then it will get back to normal. Can or basically aren't getting insurance for anyone three years can it disappear once I go-to get insurance after the three years I still must spend it