Auto Glass Repair | Why You Should Fix Your Automotive Glass!

Little chips and cracks in your auto glass may seem like a little problem that you can ignore, but it's not the best idea! There are several reasons why you should have your auto glass repair right away. The most important thing is to save yourself a lot of time and hassle.

Windshield Crack Repair

Did you know that in most cases, cracks in the windshield can be repaired for breaks of up to six inches? But this is good and bad news. Small chips and cracks in windows and windshields can be repaired, but larger cracks will require the replacement of the entire piece of glass. Since auto glass repair is much cheaper than a complete window or windshield replacement, it makes sense to get your car repaired when possible.

Chip or Small Crack

This is because there is no guarantee that a chip or small crack will remain for one minute. Many conditions can cause the damage to spread. These include changes in temperature that cause the windshield to expand or contract, the car jerk or slow down, and even contact with the windshield wipers. And in many cases, once the damage has spread, you'll be in a rush to get your auto glass replaced entirely, rather than a cheap repair.

The repair process itself is very simple and many auto shop stores offer moving services so they can get to your address directly. Once the damaged area has been cleaned to ensure maximum adhesion, the windshield crack repair specialist applies a special epoxy resin that completely fills the break/chip gap.

Repairing Chipped or Cracked Car

Now if you think you can decide to repair the windshield yourself, you should reconsider. While it may seem easy to repair a broken or cracked auto glass if you're a professional, it's completely different when it comes to freelance work. To repair car windows, special resins and suitable tools are needed for the application and treatment of this material.

DIY Windshield Chip Repair

If not done properly, repairing the windshield chip with your bare hands can cause real clutter on your glass, but the real risk is not making the chip / crack strong enough. If the amateur repair work is faulty, they will not be able to stabilize the original damage, and after a sudden cold or high-speed bump, the defect can turn into a crack, requiring a complete windshield replacement.