Oh look! New vacation together with 100+ new items!

Imo the slow drip does not work in NH. I loved the game for Animal Crossing Bells the first couple of months but I have completely lost interest now. I might start playing in a year or 2 when they have finally added a decent amount of content to the game

The slow trickle of fresh content really does not do the job, and it merely makes the manipulative"recolors are exceptional objects" strategy more glaringly obvious.

"Oh look! New vacation together with 100+ new items! . . .wait a minute... there are 15 new items with 7 recolors each. And 11/15 of these items are ugly. And every island only gets 1 colour variant, so you've got to exchange 1,000 NMTs with strangers on the internet if you want to collect them all."

Of course, that is in contrast to another method they like to use, where every product is from a rare random seasonal DIY drop, also requires limited seasonal substances to Nook Miles Ticket For Sale craft.

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