Distance Between Cities in Texas

The distances given are as the crow flies - the shortest possible route. This is certainly useful for knowing how significantly apart the towns are if you take a flight. The distance by air between cities does not consider into account driving distance, which might be completely different to account for natural barriers such as mountains or lakes, and also because of the way the roads are laid out between your starting point and your destination location.

Because the earth is curved, it's usually not accurate enough simply to put a ruler on a map to look for the flight distance between 2 places. Instead the distance list between locations in Texas on this webpage is an accurate representation of the distance by air. If you are preparing for a trip, thinking about moving, or even just trying to figure out your next weekend destination or your next vacation, knowing the distance among Texas cities is a great place to start. Naturally, since it's a crow-flies chart, it may possibly only offer a rough estimate of gasoline costs if you choose to drive between 2 towns, but it really is still useful to know which cities are near and which are further apart.

LubbockHouston464 mi
Corpus ChristiHouston183 mi
San AntonioBrownsville250 mi
HoustonLaredo296 mi
LubbockCorpus Christi479 mi
LaredoIrving398 mi
LaredoFort Worth385 mi
BrownsvilleAmarillo692 mi
BrownsvilleLaredo167 mi
HoustonArlington230 mi
PlanoEl Paso578 mi
LubbockDallas298 mi
AmarilloSan Antonio445 mi
GarlandHouston231 mi
ArlingtonLaredo389 mi
LubbockSan Antonio349 mi
LubbockLaredo442 mi
PlanoSan Antonio270 mi
Fort WorthCorpus Christi342 mi
IrvingDallas9 mi
ArlingtonFort Worth13 mi
Corpus ChristiIrving349 mi
LubbockIrving289 mi
PlanoGarland7 mi
ArlingtonDallas18 mi
LubbockFort Worth268 mi
DallasAustin182 mi
San AntonioGarland265 mi
ArlingtonIrving11 mi
Corpus ChristiEl Paso610 mi

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