interesting telegrame tricks

Telegram has managed to attract the attention of tens of millions of Iranian users with its extraordinary facilities. Currently, 40 million Iranians are members of Telegram Messenger. This has led to more than 60% of the country's bandwidth being allocated to Telegram. The peak hours of the traffic of these messengers are from 22:00 to 1:00 PM. There are 580,000 Iranian telegram channels, 16 of which have more than 1 million members. Most of the members of a channel are 3 million and 400 thousand people. The record for the most views of a message in the telegram was 20 million.


With the passage of time and its innovations, Telegram has been able to maintain this position with its audience and become one of the fastest, most popular and most secure mobile messengers. Simplicity of operation, convenient facilities and the addition of features such as groups and supergroups and Telegram channels and robots are some of the innovations and special features of Telegram that have been able to keep its users satisfied.


But this application, like any simple application, has features that you may not have realized or passed by. In this article, we try to review 13 practical tricks of Telegram.

Send by itself

You may also want to store content, videos, or images of groups and messages somewhere so that you can easily access them later. Have a place to take notes in Telegram or even review your sticker packs. All this can be done by sending the telegram itself. On the other hand, Telegram can be a cloud storage space for your files so that you can easily access your files at any time.


To do this, you can use your ID and send it to a friend to access your chat page. Another way is to save your phone number in your contact list and search for your name from the contact list. To send files from your phone to your laptop or vice versa, you can also use self-sending and desktop telegram.

The send section itself is also available in the main menu of the new version of Telegram called Saved Massages.




interesting telegrame tricks

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