3 Facts You Should Know About Shadow IT

1. Shadow IT is Not as Secure as It Seems

As the workplace becomes digitized, employees now have access to more applications than ever before. However, employees can inadvertently compromise sensitive data by installing and using unauthorized shadow IT.

Shadow IT includes any applications that appear in the form of apps to help employees streamline communication or better manage company data. However, these unregulated apps may have lax security controls that can put your entire company at risk of a data breach. Check this security blog: door alarm sensor

2. Shadow IT Can Lead to Detrimental Business Loss

More employees are turning to easily accessible, unsanctioned solutions to store documents and streamline internal operations. However, without knowledge of where company data is being stored, your IT department has little control over cyber security. As data breaches cost companies an average of $141 for each stolen record, small- to mid-sized businesses must be wary of shadow IT to avoid detrimental business loss.

3. Shadow IT Can Also Serve as a Valuable Asset

Companies may actually benefit from allowing employees to use shadow IT, but only in moderation. By leveraging shadow IT that enhances productivity, companies can improve flexibility, spark innovation and gain a competitive advantage.

With proper education and restrictions, shadow IT can serve as a valuable asset to your business. Companies that embrace regulated shadow IT have the ability to:


  • Develop cloud solutions, websites or product management software that better aligns with unique business needs.

  • Relieve the burden on internal IT departments.

  • Reduce wait time by using pre-built solutions versus company-controlled applications that typically take longer to develop.

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