5 Things You Must Know be considered prior to starting sewing

1. Don't have your machine cleaned each year

Like automobiles, sewing machines require regular checks and tune-ups. Finding a local sewing center to professionally clean your machine can help to solve a myriad of problems. Sewing machine technicians are able to keep all the moving parts perfectly aligned to ensure perfect stitching. If you would like the machine you use to be durable for a long time, get it maintained every year.

2. Wrong bobbin

With the many different models of sewing machines, all of which use different sizes of bobbins it's possible to use the incorrect size. Simply because a bobbin's material is made of plastic doesn't suggest that it will work with the sewing machine you are using it on. 


If you're not sure whether you're using the appropriate size of bobbins to your machine, then take your sewing machine to an area sewing machine repair center. They'll be delighted to verify that you're using the right size. If you've not been able to have your machine serviced in the past couple of years, make them check it out as long as it's there.

3. Needle not sufficient high

It sounds simple, but not getting the needle completely to the right position can cause stitches not form properly. This issue is usually difficult to identify. Unlock the needle screw, then gently lift the needle. Another method to test is using an inbuilt needle threader. When the needle's threader doesn't align with the needle's eye the needle may not be sufficiently high. Therefore, to ensure such settings with security, look for a model such as Singer 4423 Sewing Machine which provides an easy to understand manual.

4. Needle too small to thread

The thread that is thicker must pass through a larger needle. The groove on along the top of its needle has to match the thread's size. Threads that are too small and thin are not a good combination.

5. There are some nicks on the plate of your throat.

Examine the throat plate's opening for needle strikes or tiny rough scratches. If you've had trouble breaking needles recently it is possible that there are small burrs that have formed on your throatplate. Threads can become caught in these rough spots, leading to broken thread or uneven stitching. Sewing machine technicians typically smooth these rough spots.


The ten suggestions below solve the typical problems with sewing machines. Beyond these easy fixes, it's probably the time to contact an expert. Sewing machine technicians are certified to recognize typical issues. They are on the lookout for sick machines all day.

In the event that your sewing device is nearing an end in its usefulness and you are in a bind, pray and then SMILE...you are now able to shop for a NEW sew-on machine!