Botulin - it is a substance that is naturally produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum

It often happens that a patient goes to a doctor's consultation and wants to ask something, but after opening the door to the doctor's office, he immediately forgets about everything. In this article we will answer the most frequent questions of customers about injections of botulinum toxin....

Botulin is a substance that is naturally produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This organic substance is called a toxin because of its main property - the ability to cause muscle paralysis. Another property of the toxin - the ability to reduce the activity of sweat glands - is also useful in the treatment of hyperhidrosis - increased sweating.

The toxin used for injection is purified and diluted with a saline solution corresponding to the natural human environment.

"Botulinum toxin" or simply "botulin" is a common name for several similar active substances. There are several botulinum toxin preparations on the market: Botox, Dysport. The principle of operation is the same for everyone, and the differences are very subtle, so it cannot be said that one of them is better than the other. How does botulinum toxin work?

Very small and precisely calculated doses of botulin are injected into certain facial muscles. A few days after the injection, the muscle stops contracting or its contractions abruptly weaken. When the muscles stop contracting, wrinkles on the skin of the face caused by their activity are smoothed out. In the treatment of increased sweating, botulin is injected into the skin. The toxin greatly reduces the activity of the sweat glands, but when it gets under the skin, it does not affect the muscles.

Botulin is injected with special syringes using an ultra-thin needle. Depending on the desired effect and the anatomy of each person, from 3 to several injections are made. Since a very small amount of the solution is injected, injections into the face are painless. Botulin can be injected into the armpits, palms and soles to treat increased sweating. In these cases, the number of injections and the corresponding dose are higher. To reduce discomfort, such injections can be done under anesthesia.

Injections should be carried out by a specialist who has a certificate in neurology, cosmetology or plastic surgery, who has been trained in the use of the drug. He will definitely ask the patient about his state of health and find out what medications he is taking. It is important to understand that it is undesirable to carry out botox injections against the background of taking anticoagulants that promote blood thinning. Certain types of antibiotics affect neuromuscular transmission and may alter the effect of the procedure.

There are also a number of restrictions that relate to the patient's health. Botox injections are prohibited in the following conditions

  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • exacerbations of diseases of the hepatobiliary system (liver, pancreas, biliary organs), as well as respiratory, urinary or digestive systems, both in the case of recently acquired diseases and chronic.
  •  diseases of the circulatory system, poor blood clotting;
  • disorders of the endocrine system, chronic liver or kidney failure, chronic heart failure;
  •  severe myopia;
  • general negative state, weakness, fatigue;
  • hypersensitivity in the anamnesis to any component of the drug
  • inflammatory processes at the site of the intended injection;
  • pregnancy and lactation. 

Injections can be given only after the end of the lactation period. The doctor is also obliged to warn the patient about side effects. Most of them, such as hematomas, swelling, headache and general weakness are usually temporary and should disappear within a few days. There are also those that last for several weeks and disappear as the toxin weakens its effect. This includes — asymmetry, drooping eyelids. In rare cases, symptoms of botulism may develop. If it is difficult for the patient to speak, swallow, breathe and he begins to have vision problems, he immediately needs to see a doctor. Botox Injections 50 Units are considered safe and well-tolerated. Possible side effects: redness or bruising in the injection area, lacrimation, a slight runny nose, headache. All this usually goes away within a few days. Do not forget that in large doses botulinum toxin can cause a life-threatening form of food poisoning.