Path of Exile 2 release time and version details

Path of Exile 2 is the next version of the popular Grinding Gear Games game Path of Exile. They announced the next iteration of Path of Exile at the publisher’s annual ExileCon in 2019. Since then, the question that players are most concerned about is when will Path of Exile 2 release. Players’ attention will affect their enthusiasm to buy Chaos Orb.

GGG is quite open to the progress of Path of Exile 2, and even hinted when players can look forward to the beta. So far, players have seen new character choices in the trailer, as well as some new environments that Path of Exile 2 is about to launch, including a stage completely on top of a giant vehicle similar to Mad Max. These brand new game content will greatly attract players to buy POE Currency.

The release of the second trailer allows players to learn more about the new world, the Vastily Desert area, dungeons and enemies, but there is still no hint of a complete release date. However, GGG stated on the official website that the beta version may start as early as 2022. With little time left in 2021, players should pay attention to the upcoming sequel updates and consider whether to continue to buy POE Currency.

What you can know now is that Path of Exile 2 will not replace the original campaign. The activities and sequels that have launched will continue in the same game client, and players can get characters and accounts through any of them. For players, trying to buy POE Exalted Orb will greatly enhance the fun of the game, and can also improve the strength of the game’s characters.

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