Main Stages of the Media Buying You Need to Know

With the advancement in technology, advertising has changed. So, firms are turning to the media buying process to get planned negotiations and buy multi-platform ad spaces. However, many things go into improving your conversion rate and generating sales. To accomplish all these, you should learn the major stages of the media buying process.

Stage 1 - Pre-launching

You need to know the essential details before the launch in this stage. For the process to be successful, you have to do an investigation. These are all the details you need to put together about your research before the launch.

Know your target market.

Before media buying, you need to know about your target audience. You should have a clear picture of the audience and classify them into segments. You can use their age, gender, marital status, geolocation, and hobbies to understand who you are dealing with. Note that the more you understand your audience, the more you can help them.

Know your rivals

After identifying your target, you need to know who your rivals are. In addition, know why your target audience chooses other media buyers and not you. Do a market study to enable you to conduct good media planning. Additionally, know that learning from rivals' encounters will save time and help you design successful advertising campaigns.

Design media buying strategy and figure out your budget

Ensure you select forms of advertising that suit your campaign goals. Whether you pick print ads in newspapers and magazines, commercials on tv, radio, and online, or indoor posters and outdoor billboards. After you decide, you need to know how the message will be designed for that media outlet. Additionally, you have to set a budget for your marketing campaign incorporating the miscellaneous expenses.

Stage 2 - Campaign Launch

The campaign launch is significant in media buying. This stage ensures the media presentation and monitoring of the campaign are a success. So here is what you need to do:

Guarantee Media Delivery

As a media buyer, it's your mandate to warrant that all ads are displayed in the wanted location and the appropriate setting. In addition, make sure you give priceless information to consumers.

Respond to consumer Behavior

To satisfy consumers, you need to be ready to adjust your approach according to your consumers' feedback. Often, things don't go as you planned, and you should be ready for changes and accommodate new things.


It's okay to alter the settings, estimates, and media outlets during the campaign. Always ensure you've set up deadlines for reassessment. This gets you ready to reconsider and reevaluate the initial plan and strategy.

Stage 3: Post Launch Reflections:

It's a step where you see the good and bad of the advertising campaign presentation. Here you can see the results of all you've planned, like ROI, audience engagement, and media spaces.

Examine the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns:

Put together all data from the campaign like stats, reports, and reviews and analyze them. It will help you point out your campaign's weak and strong points. In addition, it will help check if your campaign is generating revenues. You will be able to point out the errors and improve them in the future.

Collect Data

After putting together all the data, it's time to use it to optimize the advertising campaign. Check the major small trends after averaging the data to enable you to search and develop the relationship between the variables.

Draw Insights

Look at the data from different viewpoints. Also, invite other people to scrutinize the data and review your results.


Media buying can be challenging without a good plan. But with the above stages, you will be able to attain your goals in media buying.

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