How to Conjugate Regular Spanish Verbs inside the Preterit Tenses

In our lesson we will discuss the right way to conjugate frequent Spanish verbs in the preterite tense. The preterite tense is one of the recent tenses for Spanish utilized to describe behaviours, experiences, events, or circumstances that came about in the past. this concept is not if you should use the preterite tense however , how to correctly conjugate the preterie verb tense.

Lets examine how regular "ar" verbs happen to be conjugated inside preterit tense by using the action-word "hablar" this means "to chat. "

"AR" Verbs (hablar)

Yo habl
T hablaste
l/ella/usted habl
Nosotros/nosotras hablamos
Ellos/ellas/ustedes hablaron

Now i will take a look at just how regular "er" verbs are conjugated in the preterit tenses by using the verb "beber" which means "to beverage. " In addition, the student of Spanish should be aware that you will find another action-word in Spanish which also means "to take in. " That verb is "tomar. very well

"ER" Verbs (beber)

Years old beb
T bebiste
l/ella/usted bebi
Nosotros/nosotras bebimos
Ellos/ellas/ustedes bebieron

Lets now observe regular "ir" verbs are conjugated inside preterit tense by using the action-word "vivir" so this means "to live. "

"IR" Verbs Existir

Yo viv
T viviste
l/ella/usted vivi
Nosotros/nosotras vivimos
Ellos/ellas/ustedes vivieron

Before concluding this class, lets study a few samples of how Romance language verbs will be conjugated inside preterite tenses.

Anoche saliste con Juan.
Last night you went out with Juan.

Antiguamente nosotros necesitamos un destornillador.
Yesterday we all needed a screwdriver.

La semana pasada ustedes comieron apocado dos vueltas y ternera una vez.
A while back you men ate lamb twice and veal when.

Mi sobrino meti las hojas sobre ela bolsa pl stica.
My nephew placed the leaves in the cosmetic bag.

La cual maana las empleadas limpiaron el cubil.
This morning the employees cleaned the sack.

Anoche la suegrita cubri el bizcocho.
Last night my personal mother-in-law protected the unique birthday cake.
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