The Core Walking Program was born out of my personal and professional experience with changing movement patterns to help people out of pain.

The program's philosophy rests on the belief in our ability to change and evolve as we age Walking is the best way to bring permanent change to the body—because we all do it, and we do it over and over again.

The human body will accept any pattern we put into it whether that pattern is good or bad. The Core Walking program teaches you how to walk correctly alleviating aches, pain Relief, and chronic injuries while tapping into new reservoirs of energy. undefined The result is greater mobility and strength as we age under fined The results are more energy, stronger bones and muscles, less pain, and improved endurance. “When I first began walking with my mother-in-law, I felt like I was 96,” says one Core Walking student in her 70s. “Now, I’ve lost 2 1/2 inches around my waist. After I pour my morning coffee, I walk laps around my kitchen and work in my garden.” —

Aerobic exercise is good for the heart and cardiovascular system, both of which play an important role in weight control. At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, whether it ’s cardio or some kind of strength training, two to three days a week will help improve your overall health and also help weight loss. Getting your heart rate up and into the fat-burning zone (that’s omega- 3 territory) can help you to lose weight, because the more fat you burn off, the less fat your body has to store.

Throughout this book, we’ve been talking about the importance of living a lifestyle that promotes heart health. Or, as we like to call it, a lifestyle that promotes heart-healthy weight loss. That lifestyle is comprised of two key components: a nutritionally dense, plant-based diet

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