IOT vs Machine Learning, which is best for your next project

You may have heard of machine learning or IOT, but what exactly are they and how do they work? Are they the same thing or completely different? In this blog post we’ll discuss what they are, how they function, and which one you should use to solve your data needs in 2021!


What Is The Difference Between IOT And Machine Learning?

If you’re looking to hire IOT or machine learning developers, it’s important to have a clear idea of what each technology does and how it can be used. Both IoT and machine learning rely on data gathering and analysis; there are some instances in which one technology would work better than another. Here we’ll look at a few key features of each technology as well as recommend situations where you should choose one over another.


Why Should You Choose One Over The Other?

If you’re looking to bring smart technology into your next IoT-related project, you may be wondering whether it makes more sense to hire a machine learning developer or an IOT developer. The answer will depend on what kind of device you want to create and how much input data you have. But these are also fundamentally different fields in their own right. Here’s a breakdown of how they differ and how they work together


How Do You Choose One For Your Project?

It’s an oft-asked question: Which one of these two do I need? And while it’s difficult to say without a deep understanding of what your project entails, there are a few strategies that can help you decide. First and foremost, though there are exceptions to every rule (of course), in general machine learning is best suited for predicting future events based on past data, whereas IOT applications are better suited to take action on things happening in real time. In other words if what you want to do doesn’t fall into one of those categories, machine learning isn’t likely to be your solution.


How Long Will It Take?

All else being equal, an IOT project will take more time to complete than a machine learning-based solution. Due to their inherent complexity and requirements (server space and computing power), IOT projects take a larger time commitment than machine learning projects.


Who Can Help Me Execute This Project?

If you have a product that needs smarts and you want to build a machine learning or an Internet of Things (IoT) solution, then what can you do? Hire an IOT developer? Hire a machine learning developer? Both are viable options—but it depends on what’s most important to you. You see, it’s not always about who has better tools; instead, it’s about who has better skills and abilities.


What Are My Next Steps?

To decide which of these technologies to hire on your next big project, think about what you’re trying to accomplish. If you need data that’s difficult to collect and examine through human observation or manual analysis (machine learning), then a machine-learning approach might make sense and you should decide to hire machine learning developers. On the other hand, if collecting data and building something around it is easier to manage in one shot (IoT), then an hiring IoT developers from an IOT development company implementation might be more worthwhile than hiring a bunch of data scientists.



In closing, it's not really a question of one or the other; it's a question of which would benefit you most and what kind of problem you're trying to solve. Before deciding on an IOT system, think about how and where it'll be implemented. Are there any regulatory concerns? How will data be transferred from source to endpoint? What are your return on investment (ROI) expectations? These are just some questions that should be answered before committing to either iot or machine learning.


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