having fun making your own Zoom



4. Concentrate on the environment in which you work.


Even though you don’t have to adhere to it 100% of time, one area in your home should be designated as your workspace.


This makes it easier to limit distractions and focus on work without having it seep into personal life.


If you begin your workday by arriving at your designated workspace with a cup if coffee and a dress this sends a signal to your brain that this is the place where you will start working.


Ideally, this would be a separate room which you could convert into an office at home. If that's not feasible, consider finding another space within your home to use as your workspace. Set up guidelines with everyone at your home on the time and place you'll be able to pay attention.


Parents can ask children to design signs for their office. Green means "yes, you are allowed to enter" and red is for "don't even think about it."


5. Work in short bursts.


Parents of toddlers and babies have it harder than most. It's impossible to leave your child to himself.


If you're in charge of childcare, your best option may be to work in brief periods when you can, such as when the children are asleep.


But if you're lucky to be able to focus on your work while your spouse assists with child care at home, plan your schedule so you can leave your desk and help every so often instead of staying in your office all day.


6. Nurture creative activities.


Your child will not be content reading a book all day. If you're responsible for childcare, keep your kids engaged in their play through encouraging creativity.


The ability to rotate between different activities and toys can result in more deep and meaningful play and allow you to focus. It's an excellent idea to get your kids to play on their own.


If your children are content with some screen time, but you still need to be able to make important calls while focusing on other tasks, you can check out educational resources like Scholastic Learn at Home, online games that teach spelling and music skills, and even virtual tours of museums.


7. Plan meetings carefully.


Nearly all parents who work at home have experienced some mishaps.


Although some of these interruptions are inevitable, and all you can do to laugh together, be prepared for them by giving your children an non-verbal "do not interrupt" signal when you're on conference calls.


That is not always possible for toddlers who roam free. In such cases, it may be better to schedule calls in the time they are sleeping. You might need to mute the phone or reschedule dependent on whether or not you need to be on childcare duty.


8. Make sure that technology is working for you.


The rise in remote work is due to the rise of cloud computing. Instead of having to exchange documents manually or log in to user accounts on-site employees are now able to access the information they need to complete their work online.


Microsoft Teams, Trello and other project-management software makes it simple to work remotely.


No matter if you are having fun making your own Zoom video conferencing background or if you are creating the foundation for an IT stack that makes your job easier, the right applications can make all the difference.

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9. Know when to shut off.


Finding the right balance between work life and home has never been more difficult. Although many people will be quick to highlight the advantages of working remotely, it's difficult to feel like you're at work all the time. It is crucial to know when you need to get to bed.

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If you plan your day-to-day routine, you may need to adapt to the demands of your children. It is still possible to declare that you're done for the day. This task requires a bit of self-control. You also need to set expectations with your team.

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10. Don't be hard on yourself. Get assistance.


If you are a parent who has to balance work and children, you should be awarded an award and all the help you need.

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