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Ten Tips for Parents Working from Home with Children



Working from home can sound like a dream to many. You can enjoy more freedom, spend more time in your home, and can see more of family members.



There are also unimaginable realities for parents trying to manage the demands of childcare and work. It is difficult to concentrate and find the right words, and having to handle children at work, homeschool them, and them, blurring the line between work and family and your mind being occupied by kids when you have to attend to GSD.



Sometimes, it can be difficult to believe that you didn't do enough work or that you aren't a good parent on the most mundane WFH (work at home) days. The balancing act of managing work and caring for children is possible however it requires a recalibration of working expectations and work styles.



Here are our top tips to help parents work at home.



Ten Tips for Parents Working From Home With Kids

1. Find positive aspects.

While certain parents are working from home on choice, other parents have had to unexpectedly adjust to this new reality.



While this situation has its own challenges however, there are numerous benefits to working at home.



It won't always go smoothly, but focusing your attention on positive aspects (and reminding you of the things that you shouldn't be doing at work) will greatly ease stressful days.



2. Adjust your schedule.

Adults are happier when they stick to a routine.



WFH helps us to be focused and avoid the distractions of multitasking and constant interruptions.



You can bring the structure and predictability you need in your mornings by creating a routine. Make sure you stick to it. When it's wake-up time to get up and prepare for the day as you would before heading to work. Then go to your home office however it looks to you, and get into a state of mind to your work.



Optimize the rest of your day by making adjustments to your schedule to allow time for home life.



Use flexibility if you can and create a routine that works well for your family and you. But remember that you are able to modify it to meet daily changes.



We have compiled a collection of remote-based work tips and tricks from our staff, we shared this awesome tip:



3. Do not be shy about telling your coworkers.

There are many things parents can do to keep their children productive when working remotely, however disruptions will still occur. Your children might run to you, throw a tantrum on Zoom calls, or even ask for your assistance with an emergency.



It is better to make it appear as if everything is in order, your work the same way as you would in an office and make sure you don't require any assistance.



Discuss with your team how working remotely will be beneficial for you. Consider your requests to make it more efficient and productive. It could mean a different schedule that allows you to be more flexible or has more patience.



4. Concentrate on the environment in which you work.

While you don't need to stick to this all the time, you should designate one area of the house to be your workspace.



This makes it possible to cut down on distractions and stay on track without it impacting your personal life.



Start your day by having a cup of coffee or a casual outfit and a trip to your dedicated work area.



It is a good idea to create a separate area in your home that you could use as an office. If that is not feasible, then you could locate a space in your home where you can set up your work space. Establish rules with everyone in your home on how and when you can pay attention.



Parents can encourage their kids to be involved in designing office signs.



5. Don't do it with short bursts.

Parents of toddlers or babies have more trouble than other parents due to the fact that they cannot leave your children unattended.



Your best option if you are in charge of the childcare of children is to do it in short bursts, such as during times when your children are asleep.



But if you're lucky to be able to concentrate on work while your partner assists with child care at home, design your schedule so you can come out of your office and help every so often, rather than locking yourself in for the entire the time.



6. Nurture creative activities.

Your child is probably not going to sit quietly and read a book for hours while you're at work. If you're responsible for childcare, ensure that your children are engaged in their play and encouraged to engage in creativity.



The ability to rotate between various toys and other activities can help you focus and enjoy more. You can encourage independent play by encouraging your children to create their own games.



If your kids will let them to access the internet when you're on important calls or need to concentrate, Scholastic Learn at HOME offers educational resources to help you teach your kids music, spelling and much more.



7. Schedule meetings wisely.

Almost every parent who works at home will have a few embarrassing mishaps to share.



This is a common event and it's fun to laugh at your coworkers. However, you can prepare for interruptions by telling your kids to "do not disrupt" when they're on conference call.


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But, schedules for toddlers with free roaming may not be a good idea. If they are asleep, it's better to schedule their calls. Sometimes, all you need to do is turn off your phone and reschedule when you're on childcare duty.



8. Make sure you have technology at your disposal.

The rise of cloud computing is exactly what has led to the rise of remote working. Instead of needing to manually copy documents or sign in to account holders employees now have access to all the data they need to do their jobs online.

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Microsoft Teams, Trello, and Web CRM (customer relationship management), collaboration platforms make it possible for remote workers to collaborate.


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The right apps can be the key to success, whether it's setting up your own Zoom video conferencing background or making a tech stack to simplify your job,


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