afraid to seek


4. Concentrate on the environment in which you work.
Although you don't need to adhere to this guideline all the time; designate one space in your home as your work space.

This makes it easier to stay focused and away from distractions. on work, without letting it seep into personal life.

Start your day by bringing a coffee cup to your chosen work area and put on your workday clothes.

It would be ideal to designate a separate space in your home that you could make an office. If that is not feasible, then you could locate a space within your home in which you can create your workspace. With everyone in the family, set the rules of when and how you can be reached.

Parents can also get their children involved in creating office signs at home, with green to signify "yes, you're allowed in" and red to mean "don't ever think about it."

5. Use brief periods of time.
It's harder for parents of toddlers and babies than most because they can't be left to themselves.

If you're in charge of childcare, your best option may be to work in short bursts when you're able to like when your children are asleep.

However, if you are able to focus on your job and your spouse can take care of your children at home, it could be worthwhile to schedule your schedule so that you can go out to assist when you need to instead of staying in.

6. Nurture creative activities.
It's not realistic to ask your child to read a book while you work all day. You can keep your children active in activities that stimulate creativity if you are the one responsible for their the care of your children.

The ability to rotate between different activities and toys could result in more deep and meaningful play, and also give you more time to focus. Encourage the children to play independently.

If your kids are fine with having screen time while you take important calls or focus on your work, Scholastic Learn at home is a great option. It offers games on the internet like spelling, music as well as virtual tours of museums, is an excellent educational tool.

7. Make sure you plan your meetings well.
The majority of parents who work from home will have to share some of their troubles.

This is a common event and it's fun to laugh with your colleagues. However, you can prepare for interruptions by instructing your kids to "do not disturb" when they're on conference calls.

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However, schedules for toddlers that are free roaming might not work. If they are asleep, it's best to schedule their calls. Sometimes you may have to cut off your calls or change the time when childcare is needed.

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8. Get technology on your side.
The rise of cloud computing is exactly what has enabled the surge in remote working. Instead of having to manually copy documents or log in on-site to user accounts, employees can now access all the information necessary to perform their work online.

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Microsoft Teams, Trello, and web CRM (customer relationship management), collaboration platforms allow you to work remotely.

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You can have lots of fun using your video conferencing background using Zoom, or you can create an tech stack to make it easier. Selecting the best software can make a big difference.

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9. Know when to turn off.
The art of balancing work and life has never been more difficult. While many will praise the advantages of working from home, it's possible to feel like you're always in work. It is therefore important to know when to quit working.

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If you plan your day-to-day routine, you may need to adjust to the needs of your children. Still, it's important to establish a date that you are able to confidently state that you're done with the day. This requires self-discipline, expectation setting and collaboration with the team. But, you should have clear boundaries to avoid stress.

10. Take your time and don't be afraid to seek assistance.
If you're a parent struggling to juggle the demands of work and taking care of children, you're worthy of an award.

This could involve asking a friend or family member for help or hiring childcare experts.


It's impossible to do everything effortlessly and efficiently every day. Take advantage of opportunities that can make your work-life easier. However, be gentle and patient with yourself when things don’t happen as you expected. Take some time out if things are difficult to manage. Remember to give yourself self-care. You can find yourself in a stressful circumstance.

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