manage work and childcare

This tip is part of our collection of remote tips for work.

3. Do not be shy about telling your coworkers.
Although there are many steps parents can take to maintain their productivity while working at home, interruptions are bound to occur. Your kids will run into your office, throw a tantrum during a Zoom call, or ask assistance with an emergency in the home.

It is better to make it appear as if everything is perfect, approach work in the same way like you would at work and insist that you don't require any assistance.

Talk to your team about how working remotely will be beneficial for you. Consider your requests to help make it more efficient and productive. This could mean a different schedule that allows you to be more flexible or has extra patience.

4. Improve your workspace for greater focus
While you don't need to adhere to this rule all the time, assign one area of the house as your dedicated workspace.

This allows you to stay away from distractions and remain focused on work, without letting it spill into your personal lives.

Begin your day with your coffee cup to your chosen work area and put on your workday clothes.

It is ideal to have a separate space which can serve as a home office. If this isn't feasible, then you could locate a space in your home where you can set up your work space. Set up rules with everyone in your home on the time and place you'll be able to pay attention.

Parents can encourage their kids to help with designing office signs.

5. Short bursts are the best.
Toddlers and babies are more challenging than other children because you can't leave them to themselves.

If you're in charge of childcare, the best solution may be to work in short periods when you can, such as when the children are sleeping.

If you're lucky enough to to work from your desk while your spouse is taking charge of your children, then you should organize your time so that you can make it a point to leave your workplace every now and again, instead slaving yourself to your computer all day.

6. Nurture creative activities.
It's unlikely that your child will sit still and read a book for hours while you work. You can keep your children active in activities that stimulate creativity if you are the one responsible for their the care of your children.

It is possible to enjoy more meaningful, deeper play when you switch between different activities and toys. This will allow you to spend more time focusing and stimulates imagination. If your kids don't have the habit of playing independently, you can try stimulating their imagination by turning it into a game the sense of its own which allows them to be independent, such as solving a puzzle or creating something by hand using art supplies, and a set time to show you what they've come up with.

If your children are okay with you using your computer when you make important calls or concentrate on work, Scholastic Learn at home is a great option. It offers games on the internet such as music, spelling as well as virtual tours of museums is an excellent educational tool.

7. Be wise when scheduling meetings.
The majority of parents who work from home will be forced to share their misfortunes.

While a lot of this is inevitable and all you and your colleagues are able to do is smile, you can prepare to be prepared for interruptions by giving your children a nonverbal "do not disturb" signal during conference calls.

It isn't always feasible for toddlers who roam free. In such cases it is best to schedule calls during their regular sleep hours. Sometimes, you may just need to mute your calls or even change the schedule if you have to be on childcare duty.

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8. Technology is at your service
Cloud computing has enabled remote work to boom. Employees are now able to access the data they require to complete their work online, rather than having to exchange documents manually or sign into user accounts on-site.

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Microsoft Teams, Trello and other project-management software makes it easy to work remotely.

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There is lots of fun using the video conference background using Zoom, or you can create an tech stack that makes it much easier. Selecting the best software will make a huge difference.

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9. Know when to shut off.
Finding the perfect balance between work and home has never been more difficult. While many will praise the benefits of working at home, it is possible to feel that you're constantly working. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of when you should stop working.

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Your schedule for the day is different when you're parents. It's still important to establish an exact time when you'll be able to say your day is completed. This will require some self-discipline and also setting expectations with your team. But you should set clear boundaries in order to lessen stress.

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10. Don't put yourself down. Ask for assistance.
Parents who have to manage work and childcare merit a prize.

This might mean getting support from a family member, hiring someone to help with childcare, or asking your boss to provide flexible hours or a bit more flexibility for WFH.


However, don't think that you can manage everything effortlessly and effectively all the time. There are ways to make your life more manageable. However, you must also be patient with yourself when things don’t go according to plan. It's fine to let things go if it is difficult. But, don't forget to take care of yourself. It can be a stressful situation for a lot of people, so it's important to pay attention to your personal health and wellness, and be aware of your limits.