Best Email Marketing Growth Hacks to Boost Your Business

Email marketing is important. Your daily interaction with your customers is through email. You can inform them about new products or services, promote deals, share updates on how the company is doing, get paid by sending them invoices, and so much more. But when it comes to email marketing growth hacks, there are so many strategies you could try out to see what works best for your business.


Here are the best email marketing strategies to boost your business


1. Test Your Subject Line


Your subject line is the most important element in an email, because it’s what convinces people to open your emails, view your content, and become interested in whatever you have to offer. You want them to think that they can gain something by reading the email—whether that’s information or a solution to their present problem.


A good subject line should be short, concise, but still compelling enough for recipients to actually open the message. If you don’t get at least half of your recipients opening your email, then it means you need to try out different approaches with different subject lines until you find one with better results.


2. Embrace Personalization in Your Email Marketing


Adding a personalized note in your email increases the open rate by 14%, and click rates by 16%. For example, when you use anything from the recipient’s name to his or her company’s name—and even specific details around an offer if you can glean them from any part of their contact history—you add credibility to your emails. Other than that, it also makes you seem more human and less like just another advertisement that comes through their inboxes—which definitely bumps up your engagement.


By personalizing the content, it shows how much you know about them and care for their needs. This means they would be more likely to take action on what you recommend in the email because it feels relevant and valuable for them. It wouldn’t hurt if you tried a little humor in your emails either. In fact, it can actually help you raise brand awareness and even increase click-through rates by 46%.


3. Add Videos to Your Emails


Videos may take up more time and resources, but given that they can increase your open rate by 96%, it’s definitely worth the effort. As long as you don’t mind creating videos every now and then, try experimenting with them in your emails.


However, keep in mind that not all people are visual learners, so before you add any video to an email, test out different variations of text-based emails first—with or without personalization included—to see which yields better results for conversions.


4. Offer Freebies when People Sign Up for Your Emails


People open emails when they expect something from it. They probably won’t bother opening something that seems like an ad or promotional offer unless there’s something they could get out of it—like maybe a freebie or coupon? When people sign up for your email list, give them the incentive to keep reading your messages by offering deals and discounts as a welcome gift.


When you offer something that’s relevant to your email marketing strategy, it makes prospects more likely to engage with your business.


5. Include Calls-to-Action in Every Email


Don’t forget to include calls-to-action (CTA) in your emails, even if they’re not necessarily sales related. You could promote a free webinar, encourage readers to join a Facebook group, or just let them know about new promotions and offers from the store—it all depends on what works best for the company and what would resonate best with the audience you’re targeting. In fact, CTAs can increase conversions by up to 30%. So don’t underestimate them!


6. Use Live Video Broadcasts in Your Emails to Connect with Customers


Live video broadcasts are all the rage these days, and that’s because they can be used for any number of things—from advertisements to online events—and often yield great results. If you want to connect better with your audience, consider delivering engaging content through video (avoid pitching products directly though). However, keep in mind that the first 10 seconds are crucial if you want people to actually click on your live broadcast links.


You can think of it as an extended subject line for your emails—it needs to hook people in so they won’t miss out on anything relevant. This is where creative copywriting comes into play, so you should strive to be as compelling as possible.


7. Be Consistent with Your Outreach


Don’t just keep sending emails out of the blue—it won’t work! Like any marketing campaign, you have to create a strategy that you can stick to if you want your customers to take notice. You need to build up trust, so make sure you deliver value through each email outreach by providing something relevant and helpful.


If people enjoyed reading your emails, they would probably want it delivered straight to their inboxes on a regular basis because it feels like part of their routine. However, if they only seem interested in promotional deals or sales then try sending them at least once a month instead of every week—or even every day.


8. Use Social Media to Reach New Customers through Email


If you want your emails to be read by more people, don’t just rely on your existing audiences—that can get expensive! Try using social media advertising strategies to connect with new prospects online. This could help you attract fresh leads and widen your audience so it wouldn’t hurt to try something new when it comes to reaching them!


Just remember that the same social media principles apply here so you might have to experiment a little before you find out what works best for both parties. However, if you need inspiration then take a look at these real-life examples of customer retention through email marketing. That should give you an idea of how things are done.


9. Make Use of A/B Testing to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns


If you want to know which email strategies are working best, then try conducting an A/B testing experiment instead of relying on your gut feel so you won’t have to spend a lot of time and money trying out different things at random.


This way, you can achieve the desired results faster so it won’t be too hard for you to come up with new creative ideas that can boost conversions in the future.


10) Use Email Automation


You can’t just send generic emails and expect people to actually read them, so it’s important to be as smart as possible when sending out your campaigns. Automating the processes through the best marketing automation software is a great way to do that because you can adjust its behavior based on the actions taken by recipients.


For example, if someone visits your website or fills up a form then they would probably want follow-up emails with relevant deals and promotions so you could configure an autoresponder sequence to work for you instead of against you.


Of course, the trick is in finding out what works best—so try testing different scenarios before deciding on something more concrete.




So we have listed some of the best email marketing hacks that you can use to get more out of your email marketing campaigns. We’re confident that you would be able to connect with your audience and turn them into loyal customers if you follow these steps, so it wouldn’t hurt to give them a try!