First step shoes - some tips from those who know


First step shoes is something we have talked about several times in our blog but we feel it is still not sharp enough. The reason is that this is a very important issue. The health of your children is the most important thing and shoes are directly related to this. Improper shoes can impair a child's development and even cause future physical problems. On the other hand, suitable shoes will give the child the little push he needs to walk better at a faster pace.


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In the following article, we will present you some tips that you will get from professionals and other interested parties to know how to choose the right step shoes for your child and what are the things that are important to consider when choosing.

First step shoes - time of purchase

Pre-walking shoes are bought when the child starts to walk and the purpose of this is to keep their feet and for them to maintain their stability. In contrast, first step shoes should help them develop the confidence in walking with shoes and also to help them in the final stages of learning to walk and maintaining their stability.

There is no specific age at which to buy first-step shoes for your child, but it depends on his progress in the walking process, explains Ronen, a veteran professional in one of the largest shoe chains in Israel. Once you see that your child is already walking stably in pre-walking shoes and he has already quite grasped the section, you can switch to first step shoes to take him to the next step in the learning process.

First step shoes - how to choose

When talking about choosing shoes for your kids, one must know how to do it right. There are several factors to consider when buying shoes in general and first step shoes in particular.

When buying pre-walking shoes, it is very important to make sure that the sole is soft and flexible. The story here is quite different. The sole should be as flexible as possible to allow for the greatest possible range of motion but it should also be tough and not soft. This way your child will learn to walk more stably on the ground. The sole should have grooves or anything else that will help prevent slipping.

The next thing to pay attention to is the grip of the shoe on the foot. It is very important that the shoe is held well on the foot so that the shoe does not fall, which can cause injuries. To test this, it is advisable to purchase a shoe that has double security of velcro and laces together. This way, you can ensure a good grip on the foot.

Another important thing is the inner padding of the shoe. The inner padding should be spread over the foot area and the heel area to prevent abrasions and in order to provide maximum comfort.

The last and most important thing is a fit for the child's leg. If the shoe does not fit, for whatever reason it may be a measure or comfort, the shoes should simply not be bought as they can cause such and such development problems.

First step shoes - leaving the shoes on their feet

Babies for the most part, do not like shoes and neither do children. Therefore, do not be surprised if they will make your life difficult while locking the shoes or they will try to take them off immediately afterwards. Luckily, there is a way to leave the shoes on.

First of all, here too comes the matter of fitting into the baby's leg. If the shoe does not fit well in the child's foot, it may bother him and even hurt and that is why they resist locking them or trying to take them off when they are on them.

Double security, another thing that was talked about a moment ago, can also help you keep your shoes on their feet. By having double security, they have to go through more obstacles to remove the shoes from the feet. It's like putting something important behind two locks and not just one lock. Greater security.

The last thing has to do with whether the child likes the shoes or not. If the child does not like the shoes, he will not want to wear them so he tries to take them off. If he does like them, he will be excited to lock them up and will not want to take them off at all.


First step shoes are very important and are a significant step in your child's path to learning to walk correctly. Therefore, their purchase should not be taken lightly and the whole subject should be taken very seriously and learned about as much as possible.

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