Lost Car Keys? Here's What You Should Do

Locks and keys comprise the most basic of security systems. Their importance is so critical that when they get broken or lost, it can really dampen our plans for the day. Case in point: losing your car key just when you need to get something inside your vehicle or when you urgently have to go somewhere else. This is when businesses that promptly provide a lost car key replacement service become the heroes that save our day.

In Numbers

Did you know that in the US, as many as 20 million people lose their house and car keys annually? Some would accidentally drop them under a couch cushion, while others would forget that it’s right inside their pockets. In some instances, these tiny but vital keys get misplaced in a cluttered desk or drawer. Worse, the key would get lost in a public space, making it more challenging to find.

According to research, the average American spends about 25 days every year just to look for things that they lost. You don’t have to waste that many days to find a car key that you lost. The quickest solution is to hire someone who’s an expert in car key replacement.

Things To Do When You Lose Your Car Keys

You may have stumbled upon this article after asking, "Where do I find a business specializing in replacement car keys car replacement key near me?" In the event that you’ve lost the key to your vehicle, here are the things that you should do:

Know the kind of key you lost. Most car owners have what is called the traditional car key (i.e. the key you insert into the ignition to get your vehicle started). Then there’s also the transponder key. It’s a more advanced key because its head has an electrical component used to lock and unlock your car. You also have a key fob with a switchblade key and a smart key.

Trace your steps. Before hitting the phone to call a commercial locksmith Albany NY, try to remember first where you last saw your key. Search through your pockets and your bag thoroughly. You can also go to the nearby areas where you came from and look if you’ve dropped your key somewhere there.

Call someone with a spare car key. If you entrusted a spare car key to someone you know (e.g. your partner or sibling) and they’re nearby, consider calling them first. Then, go to a locksmith to have your key replaced. Even if what you lost is a transponder key or a remote key fob, there are locksmiths who have the right tools to perform key duplication.

Hire a trusted locksmith. Professionals who help people stuck in car lockout vehicle lockout situations have enough experience dealing with various makes and models. They can produce a traditional car key without the original copy. Simply provide them with details such as your current location, vehicle year make and model, vehicle registration, and vehicle identification number.

Contact your dealership. Calling a locksmith is the economical alternative to contacting your dealer. But if what you lost is a smart key (those that work even without having to insert them into the ignition), you’re required to request a new one through the dealership.

Avoid losing your key again. If you want to lessen your risk of enlisting a lost car key replacement service, you have to do your part. While there are modern gadgets like key trackers available, don’t forget to resort to the tried-and-tested ways of preventing misplacing your keys. Invest in a key holder and designate a spot in your house, office, or bag for your key. Getting spare keys and giving them to people you trust is also recommended.

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