Massage Therapy and Lymphedema

Massage therapy has been practiced for thousands of years and it has many different applications. Massage therapy can be used to heal the body. Massage therapy is often referred to as the art of healing due to the fact that it works with the body's natural healing capabilities. It can ease discomfort, assist in the healing process of damaged tissue, decrease inflammation, increase circulation, and promote the movement of fluid and waste material out of the body.

Manual lymph drainage, also known as MPL is a type of massage therapy that relies on the idea that it can help in the natural lymphatic drainage, which removes waste products from your tissues before they are able to get into your blood. MPL can be utilized to treat many ailments, but it is especially efficient for treating lymphedema. Lymphedema is the term used to describe a condition where the lymph system is ineffective or is weak in the ability to transfer waste products from tissues to the bloodstream.

Other physical ailments that improve through massage include arthritis as well as cellulite. Massage increases the flow of lymph fluid to decrease swelling, resulting in reduction in edema. Cellulite is the result of fatty deposits that cause the skin become dimply. MPL treatments can diminish the appearance of cellulite because lymphatic drainage permits the skin to "sweat away" the fatty deposits. MPL can be utilized alongside other treatments that help to reduce cellulite.

Another physical issue that is improved through massage could help is fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia can be described as an inflammation of muscles and tendons as well in joints. It is usually accompanied by chronic pain, swelling, tension, stiffness, fatigue and other symptoms. MPL stimulates lymphatic drainage, increases circulation and assists in the circulation of lymph fluid. It can also be used to treat other conditions like back pain, headaches, joint pains, fever, irritability and insomnia, mood disorders, and urinary problems.

Massage is also proven to decrease the appearance of cellulite. Small positive changes in the skin as a result of massage are not significant. Massage is more effective if it is repeated several times per day or over a long duration. When a massage is performed frequently it can alter the appearance of the skin to a smoother appearance. A boost in circulation can lead to an increase in lymphatic drainage that will result in a decrease of cellulite.

One of the most frequently-asked treatments is the treatment for lymphedema. Lymphedema refers to an issue within the lymphatic system which is typically due to auto-immune dysfunction. The lymphatic drainage system is not created to function as it should when there is an auto-immune condition. This can lead to swelling or pooling, paralysis or total the blockage of lymphatic vessels. A relaxing massage with an equilibrating and firm motion that improves circulation, can help to improve the lymph fluids to alleviate the symptoms of lymphedema.

Not all massage techniques used to treat patients suffering from an illness are suitable for all. A healthcare provider must always talk about massage with the patient prior to any massage. Some massage techniques could cause further problems, such as lymphedema. A healthcare provider will conduct a medical examination prior to any massage therapy be started. This is done to establish the specific condition of the patient. Additionally, a healthcare provider is likely to inquire from their patient if they suffer from any other medical issues, such as asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, or cancer.

Massage therapists should concentrate on enhancing mobility and range in motion, and improving the texture of skin. To encourage healing and keep smooth skin, they must apply a moisturizer to their skin following each session. It is crucial that lymphatic drainage massage be performed with care and in a thorough manner so that it does not cause further injury to tissues. Massage therapists should consult with patients regarding the medicines they are taking for example, chemotherapy or steroidal treatments since massage not done with care may cause adverse reactions.