Top 4B Hair Care Tips Straight From the Experts

Bad hair day is a real thing! Does that bouncy voluminous mane models flaunt in hair care ads seem like a far-fetched dream to you most of the time? We agree. Most of them do go for a bit overboard.

Hair Care Dos:

1. Wash Your Hair Regularly:

Washing your 4B Hair frequently ensures that your scalp and hair are free of dirt excess oil. If you have dry hair, limit it to twice a week.  

2. Use Chemical Free Shampoos:

You really cannot control all the environmental factors that damage your Fine 4A Hair, but how you can control is the kind of chemical shampoos you use. The fewer chemicals in your shampoo, the healthier your hair is. Go for gentle shampoos that suit your natural hair type.

3. Condition Correctly:

Your conditioner may contain ingredients that make the hair fall straight manageable. It protects your 4b hair texture from environmental aggressors heat styling. However, conditioner is applied only on the tips of the hair it's not to your hair scalp. Also, make sure to rinse it off gently for post-application.

4. Dry Your 4B Hair Type Naturally:

 Blow drying makes your 4B hair as beautiful as an on-screen look. But too much excessive heat styling may damage your hair scalp. Limit it for important events if you have to style. Air drying/towel drying after shampoo is the best way to go. Never sleep in wet hair/comb wet hair. Harsh rubbing with a towel may damage the cuticles of your hair. Be gentle.

Related Article: How to Pre Poo Your 4B Hair

5. Oil Your Hair Properly:

Pre-shampoo treatments like oiling and scalp massaging improve blood circulation on the scalp, relax your muscles, boost shine and nourish the hair. You can choose from almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, and the like. Avoid using mineral oil on your hair.

6. Use a Wide-toothed Comb:

Wet hair is fragile it leads to breakage of your hair. Let your hair dry then use a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair. This kind of comb prevents damage to your hair.

7. Style Your Hair Naturally:

 Who does not like those gorgeous beautiful curls or Perfect Waves Style? But you can achieve them without putting your long 4b hair through heat.


Hair Care Don'ts:


1. Hot Showers:


Hot showers damage your scalp, leaving it dry flaky. Go with Cold showers as they are the best bet.


2. Stress:


If you notice someone with strong and healthy hair, we can bet our lives say they worry a little less. Stress can cause hair to fall unhealthy hair.


3. Chemicals:


Chemicals from perming, dying, and other hair treatments affect your hair follicles, disrupt hair growth, and lead to hair fall.


4. Hair Styling Products:

Heat styling using blow dryers, straighteners, and curlers for prolonged periods changes hair texture and makes hair dry and prone to breakage.