10 Amazing Natural Remedies for Granuloma Annulare


Natural remedies are one of the most popular and widely used options when it comes to treating health conditions. Many people shy away from the use of prescription medication, which is why they try to find safer and more natural alternatives to their problems instead of jumping on the first pill prescribed by their doctor. That’s why this list of 10 Amazing Natural Remedies for Granuloma Annulare will be helpful to you if you are dealing with this skin disorder.


Garlic is one of those herbs that, even though many people don’t have it growing in their backyard, we all know about. The next time you have a cold or flu (or when your body feels like it’s getting sick), reach for some garlic! Garlic has great antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which means it can help kill off harmful bacteria and keep fungal infections at bay. And because of its flavor and smell, who could resist?

Aloe Vera Juice

Natural remedies can take many forms, including aloe vera juice. Aloe vera is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which are especially helpful when treating a skin disorder like Greneton. Try drinking aloe vera juice several times a day for best results.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that helps prevent and treat bacterial infections, making it an excellent treatment option for granuloma annulare. To use tea tree oil to treat your skin disorder, dilute 2–3 drops of tea tree oil in 1/2 tablespoon (15 mL) of coconut or jojoba oil, and massage it into your skin three times per day. You can also apply tea tree essential oil neat—use just one drop and rub it directly into your skin.


Chamomile is a natural remedy that has been used to treat skin disorders such as Granuloma Annulare. Chamomile is widely used in cosmetics and herbal supplements for granuloma annulare, and it’s no surprise that its soothing properties can relieve itching. Chamomile is also anti-inflammatory, which may prevent flare-ups of skin disorders like Granuloma Annulare. To reap these benefits, simply brew chamomile tea and apply it topically to affected areas with a cotton ball or compress.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt is a natural remedy that helps alleviate symptoms and give relief from discomfort. Add 1 cup of Epsom salt to warm bath water and soak for at least 20 minutes.


Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, making it an effective natural remedy for granuloma annulare. Turmeric has been proven to reduce swelling and redness, naturally reducing symptoms of Herbal Supplement for Granuloma Annulare. Best of all, turmeric can be taken internally as well—making it even more effective. The recommended dose is 3 grams of turmeric per day. Be sure to drink plenty of water with your turmeric to ensure that you are properly absorbing its benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar with Cayenne Pepper

Applying a mixture of apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper to granuloma annulare lesions can help them shrink quickly, making your skin look more clear in just a few days. Pour apple cider vinegar into a bowl, then add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and stir until it’s dissolved. Soak two cotton balls in your concoction and apply them to your skin with clean hands. Let them sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing off.

Lavender Essential Oil

Like many essential oils, lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. When applied topically, it’s also been shown to improve circulation and reduce edema. Simply rub a few drops of lavender essential oil into your skin where you have granuloma annulare once or twice a day. In addition to improving your skin condition, you’ll also smell great!

Marigold Petals

Marigold petals contain a chemical compound called psoralen, which has proven to be effective in treating many skin disorders, including granuloma annulare. To treat your granuloma annulare using marigold petals, you’ll need to create a paste with equal parts marigold petals and water. Simply dab your paste onto your skin once daily until all symptoms have disappeared.

Lemon Balm

Also known as Melissa officinalis, lemon balm is an anti-inflammatory herb that has been shown to reduce skin swelling and irritation. Additionally, studies have suggested that lemon balm can help repair damaged skin cells, which could make it effective in reducing scarring. This herb can be taken internally or applied topically to reduce symptoms of Natural Treatment for Granuloma Annulare. You can purchase pure lemon balm oil online, or use fresh juice from leaves found at your local market. Simply apply a few drops directly to affected areas several times per day. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of lemon balm essential oil to 1/2 cup water and apply with a cotton ball once daily.

It’s important to note that while these remedies are safe when used appropriately, they aren’t approved by the FDA and haven’t been tested by medical professionals—so if you decide to try them out on your own, do so at your own risk!

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