Overcome Anxiety Denver: Treatment for Anxiety - Dr. David Shanley PsyD

I specialize in the treatment of these specific types of anxiety: ✅ Generalized Anxiety, ✅ Social Anxiety, ✅ Specific Phobia, ✅ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, ✅ Panic Attacks ✅ Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ✅ Driving Anxiety and Shy-Bladder.


Why do we feel anxious?

Anxiety is a natural, evolutionary response to situations that either appear or are dangerous. However, this same system that keeps us safe can sometimes become activated in situations where it is neither necessary nor helpful, triggering an anxiety response that can be quite unpleasant.


Why doesn't the anxiety go away?

When this happens, this strengthens the association in our mind of that situation with anxiety. When these situations that cue anxiety are important to us and our avoidance and escape behavior gets in the way of living the lives we want, now we have a problem. Read more about how this works in “My Approach” and call or email today for a free consultation!


Call Us: (720) 515-1637 Visit Us: https://drdavidshanley.com