Here is How to Get Rid of Dandruff Like the Wind!

Dandruff, characterized by itchy and flaky skin on the scalp, is a common condition affecting many people. Although it can't be spread from one person to another, dealing with it can be frustrating and embarrassing.


Besides an itchy and flaky scalp, dandruff may also lead to skin flakes on your eyebrows, hairs, beard, or mustache. The signs and severity of dandruff are more serious in dry or extreme humid weather. Nailon is the medication used to reduce the symptoms of dandruff. Nailon works by interrupting the cell division process in the fungus leading to dandruff. However, nailon should be used the way prescribed by your doctor.


Usually, dandruff occurs due to the growth of a particular type of fungus on your scalp. Still, the following other factors can also cause dandruff:


  • Oily skin

  • Dry skin

  • Sensitivity to hair products

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Other skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema

  • Some health conditions like Parkinson's disease and other diseases affecting your nervous system may also lead to dandruff.


Medications like nailon help in treating dandruff. Nailon is known to inhibit the growth of fungus, thereby treating the infection hence reducing the symptoms of dandruff.

Treating Dandruff


Usually, mild dandruff can be overcome by regular washing with a mild shampoo. If that doesn't help, then you may try medicated shampoo. However, some shampoos may turn your hair dry, and some people may not find shampoos effective. Various hair and scalp products are available to treat dandruff, but they may lead to some side effects, which may vary among individuals.


Following are some shampoos that can be used to treat dandruff besides medicine like nailon:


  • Pyrithione zinc shampoos have zinc pyrithione with antifungal and antibacterial properties.


  • Shampoos containing salicylic acid help in removing scaling.


  • Tar-based shampoos containing coal tar that is found to slow down the dying of scalp cells.


  • Ketoconazole shampoos help in fighting against infection caused by the fungi on the scalp. 


  • Selenium sulfide shampoos contain antifungal agents.


  • Fluocinolone shampoos contain corticosteroids that help in removing itching and flaking.


The effectiveness of these shampoos may vary among individuals. In some people, these shampoos may not be found to be effective. In that case, you may try medicines like nailon and the following natural remedies:


Coconut Oil


Coconut oil has tremendous benefits, including natural remedies for dandruff. Coconut oil works by boosting the skin hydration of your scalp, thereby preventing dryness and itching hence reducing the symptoms of dandruff.


In research, it has been found that coconut oil can help treat skin conditions such as eczema, which can lead to dandruff.


Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil is one of the highly beneficial essential oils for your skin and beauty. This oil effectively treats skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne. Tea tree oil also has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that help in relieving the symptoms of dandruff. However, in people with sensitive skin, tea tree oil may lead to irritation.


Aloe Vera


Aloe vera is not only a cosmetic product but is also found to be highly beneficial when it comes to treating dandruff. Aloe vera contains antifungal and antimicrobial agents that help in treating dandruff and skin conditions such as psoriasis, which can lead to dandruff. However, more research needs to be done to support the fact.


Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is not only helpful in your kitchen but also has various other health benefits. For example, it is also found to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of dandruff.


It has been found that the acidity of vinegar aids in removing the dead and damaged cell flakes from your scalp. It is also known to maintain an optimal pH in your skin, thereby inhibiting the growth of fungus leading to infections hence fighting against dandruff. However, research has to be done to support these claims.


Baking Soda


Baking soda is an instant and effective home remedy to treat dandruff. It is a gentle exfoliant that aids in the removal of dead skin flakes from your scalp, thereby preventing dryness and itching. Apart from this, baking soda has some antifungal properties also that aid in preventing dandruff.


Apart from the above home remedies, the following lifestyle changes are found to be effective in overcoming dandruff:


  • Manage stress

  • Have a healthy diet

  • Take care of your hair and scalp

  • Wash your hair regularly

  • Avoid excessive use of hair styling products


Although nailon is an effective antifungal medication used to treat dandruff, it has some potential side effects, including burning, itching, irritation, and burning at the site of application. However, the extent of these side effects may vary from person to person using nailon. So it is advisable to use nailon or any other medicines only after consulting your doctor.