Marijuana (cannabis): Good or bad?

According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals have used marijuana, or cannabis, to deal with their ailments for something like 3,000 years. Nonetheless, the Food and Drug Administration have not considered cannabis safe or compelling in the therapy of any medical condition, although cannabidiol, a substance that is present in cannabis, got endorsement in June 2018 as a therapy for some types of epilepsy.


Cannabis is being increasingly legalized in the U.S., but is it safe?


This tension, between a widespread conviction that cannabis is a reasonable treatment for a wide assortment of ailments and an absence of scientific information on its effects, has been somewhat exacerbated all around by a drive toward authorization.


29 states plus the District of Columbia have now made cannabis accessible for medical - and, in some states, sporting - purposes.


Another studyTrusted Source published in the journal Addiction also found that use of cannabis is increasing sharply across the United States, although this rise may not be linked to the sanctioning of cannabis in participating states. Nevertheless, this rise in use is prompting major public health concerns.


In this article, we look at the scientific proof weighing the medical benefits of cannabis against its associated health risks in an endeavor to answer this simple question: is cannabis good or bad?



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What are the medical benefits of cannabis?


Throughout the extended length, research has yielded results to suggest that cannabis may be of benefit in the treatment of some conditions. These are listed underneath.


Persistent pain


Last year, an enormous survey from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine assessed more than 10,000 scientific studies on the medical benefits and adverse effects of cannabis.


One area that the report looked at was the use of medical cannabis to treat persistent pain. Ongoing pain is a leading cause of disability, affecting more than 25 million adultsTrusted Source in the U.S.


The audit found that cannabis, or products containing cannabinoids - which are the unique ingredients in cannabis, or other compounds that progression on the same receptors in the brain as cannabis-are powerful at relieving ongoing pain.


Alcoholism and drug addiction


Another comprehensive audit of proof, published last year in the journal Clinical Psychology Review, uncovered that using cannabis could assist individuals with liquor or sedative dependencies to fight their addictions.


But this finding may be contentious; the National Academies of Sciences survey suggests that cannabis use actually drives increased risk for abusing, and becoming subject to, other substances.


Also, the more that someone uses cannabis, the more reasonable they are to foster an issue with using cannabis. Individuals who started using the drug at a young age are also known to be at increased risk of developing an issue with cannabis use.


Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety


The survey published in Clinical Psychology Review assessed all published scientific literature that investigated the use of cannabis to treat symptoms of mental illness.


Proof to date suggests that cannabis could assist with treating some mental health conditions.

Its authors found some proof supporting the use of cannabis to ease depression and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.


That being said, they caution that cannabis is not a suitable treatment for some other mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder and psychosis.


The survey indicates that there is some proof to suggest that cannabis could reduce symptoms of social anxiety, but again, this is clashed with by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine audit, which instead found that regular users of cannabis may actually be at increased risk of social anxiety.




Proof suggests that oral cannabinoids are reasonable against nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, and some small studies have found that smoked cannabis may also assist with alleviating these symptomsTrusted Source.


Some studies on cancer cells suggest that cannabinoids may either slow down the improvement of or kill some types of cancer. Nonetheless, early studiesTrusted Source that tested this hypothesis in humans uncovered that although cannabinoids are a safe therapy, they are not successful at controlling or curing cancer.


Multiple sclerosis


The short-term use of oral cannabinoids may further foster symptoms of spasticity among individuals with multiple sclerosis, but the positive effects have been found to be modest.




In June 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supported the useTrusted Source of a prescription containing cannabidiol (CBD) to treat two rare, severe, and specific types of epilepsy - called Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome - that are difficult to control with other types of medicine. This CBD-based drug is known as Epidiolex.


CBD is one of numerous substances that occurs in cannabis. It is not psychoactive. The drug for treating these conditions involves a purified form of CBD. The endorsement was based on the findings of research and clinical trials.


A study published in 2017 found that the use of CBD resulted in undeniably less seizures among kids with Dravet syndrome, compared with a phony treatment.


Dravet syndrome seizures are truly extensive, repetitive, and possibly dangerous. Truth be told, 1 in 5 youngsters with Dravet syndrome don't show up at 20 years old years.


In the study, 120 youngsters and teenagers with Dravet syndrome, all of whom were matured somewhere in the scope of 2 and 18, were randomly assigned to get an oral CBD solution or a phony treatment for 14 weeks, alongside their usual prescription.


Research indicates that cannabis could assist with treating epilepsy.

The researchers found that the youngsters who got the CBD solution went from having around 12 seizures consistently to a normal of six seizures consistently. Three kids receiving CBD encountered no seizures using every possible mean.


Kids who sought the phony treatment also saw a reduction in seizures, but this was slight - their normal number of seizures went down from 15 consistently before the study to 14 seizures consistently during the study.


The researchers say that this 39% reduction in seizure occurrence provides strong proof that the compound can assist with peopling living with Dravet syndrome, and that their paper has the first rigorous scientific information to demonstrate this.


Nevertheless, the study also found a high velocity of side effects linked to CBD. More than 9 in 10 of the kids treated with CBD experienced side effects - most in ordinary vomiting, fatigue, and fever.


The patient information flyer for Epidiolex warns of side effects such as liver mischief, sedation, and thoughts of suicide.


What are the health risks of cannabis?


At the other side of the spectrum is the plethora of studies that have found negative associations between cannabis use and health. They are listed underneath.


Mental health problems


Regular cannabis use is seen to intensify existing symptoms of bipolar disorder among individuals who have this mental health issue. Notwithstanding, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report suggests that among individuals with no history of the condition, there is just limited proof of a link between cannabis use and developing bipolar disorder.


Moderate proof suggests that regular cannabis users are more inclined to encounter suicidal thoughts, and there is a small increased risk of depression among cannabis users.


Cannabis use is most possible going to increase risk of psychosis, including schizophrenia. But a curious finding among individuals with schizophrenia and other psychoses is that a history of cannabis use is linked with further made performance on tests assessing learning and memory.


Testicular cancer


Although there is no proof to suggest any link between using cannabis and an increased risk for most cancers, the National Academies of Sciences discovered some proof to suggest an increased risk for the slow-growing seminoma subtype of testicular cancer.


Respiratory disease


Regular cannabis smoking is linked to increased risk of persistent cough, but "it is unclear" whether smoking cannabis worsens lung function or increases the risk of ongoing obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.


A 2014 studyTrusted Source that explored the relationship between cannabis use and lung disease suggested that it was plausible that smoking cannabis could contribute to lung cancer, though it has been difficult to conclusively link the two.


The authors of that study - published in the journal Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine - conclude:


"There is unequivocal proof that habitual or regular cannabis smoking is not harmless. A caution against regular significant cannabis usage is prudent."


"The medicinal use of cannabis is plausible not harmful to lungs in low cumulative doses," they add, "but the dose limit needs to be defined. Sporting use is not the same as medicinal use and should be discouraged."


So, is cannabis good or bad for your health?

There is proof that demonstrates both the harms and health benefits of cannabis. In any case despite the improvement over the past couple of years of extraordinarily comprehensive, up-to-date reviews of the scientific studies evaluating the benefits and harms of the drug, it's certain that more research is normal to fully determine the public health implications of rising cannabis use.


More research is supposed to guarantee the harms and benefits of cannabis use.

Numerous scientists and health bodies - including the American Cancer SocietyTrusted Source (ACS) - support the requirement for further scientific research on the use of cannabis and cannabinoids to treat medical conditions.