South Shore Painting Contractors offers residential house painting - both interior and exterior. We handle all prep work, including drywall repair, carpentry work, and wood repair on molding and trim. Other residential services include staining and sealing wood decks. We also offer professional commercial painting services. Any power washing services needed to complete the project are also provided. Our prices are affordable and our services of the highest quality. Business and commercial property owners should feel free to contact us about our commercial painting services.
We are not your average, every day painters. South Shore Painting Contractors specializes in color theory to conjure feelings and experiences that our clients want to exist in their space. One of our product specialists will be able to meet with you to discuss how different colors and hues impact the mind and body. We can paint accent walls to bring attention to a particular piece of art. Our team can also paint neutral colored walls for real estate professionals staging properties in the South Shore area. Our painting services are all encompassing. We are here to assist all of our clients in choosing interior and exterior paint selections
75 Parkingway, Quincy, MA 02169 [email protected]
Mon 9:00 am 6:00 pm Tue 9:00 am 6:00 pm Wed 9:00 am 6:00 pm Thu 9:00 am 6:00 pm Fri 9:00 am 6:00 pm Sat 9:00 am 6:00 pm
South Shore Painting Contractors offers residential house painting - both interior and exterior. We handle all prep work, including drywall repair, carpentry work, and wood repair on molding and trim. Other residential services include staining and sealing wood decks. We also offer professional commercial painting services. Any power washing services needed to complete the project are also provided. Our prices are affordable and our services of the highest quality. Business and commercial property owners should feel free to contact us about our commercial painting services.
We are not your average, every day painters. South Shore Painting Contractors specializes in color theory to conjure feelings and experiences that our clients want to exist in their space. One of our product specialists will be able to meet with you to discuss how different colors and hues impact the mind and body. We can paint accent walls to bring attention to a particular piece of art. Our team can also paint neutral colored walls for real estate professionals staging properties in the South Shore area. Our painting services are all encompassing. We are here to assist all of our clients in choosing interior and exterior paint selections